Author: Sachin Kumar Bhoi
The Guru
A guru is an energetic guide in life and spiritual journey for a seeker. A seeker slowly learns to trust that feeling of guru, and that guiding force in life.
Only That Is Earned Can Be Shared
A capability for true sharing arises in a person when he can respect others who don’t have what he has. It is often the result of genuine spiritual growth.
Most self-help/spiritual contents are fear-driven
Be aware that self-help contents are made to keep you hooked and attached to them, and they often serve as a arm of economic structure we live in.
Half Truths
Understand that an idea can’t fit the vastness and diversity of life
Spirituality, Self-Help Industry and Seeker
An introduction to self-help industry, and spirituality. Learn the mindset of a seeker as he starts his spiritual journey.
Learning Public Speaking with Meditation
Read how I looked at my own fear of public speaking, through meditation. In doing so, I grew in many aspects of my life.
Meditation: Beyond Thinking and Not-Thinking
Understand why meditation is not about thinking or not thinking also. It is a total awareness of right now.
Not Fitting In : A calling of your individuality
Do you feel like you don’t fit in the world? Understand the childhood experiences of being a misfit, the burden of that in life, and a way forward towards your unique individuality.